
Friday, August 31, 2012

Chasing Swingers, Not Specifics

Chasing Swingers, Not Specifics:

Because it is effectively all white, the GOP is compelled to send out a revolving door of minority pols and businessmen to affirm the party’s nonexistent multiracial bona fides. Because it denies women’s reproductive rights and fears their sexuality, it must trot out a phalanx of female officials. Because it seeks to deport undocumented immigrants brought here as children, it must affirm the nation’s immigrant roots. Because its economic policies favor the rich, every speaker must assure listeners that his parents or her grandparents or their great-uncle twice removed once hauled coal without a bucket in the world’s dankest mine. And because Mitt Romney is a private-equity guy more comfortable with numbers than people, we must hear—from his lips and dozens of others—that he’s been a great dad, grandpa, husband, son, co-worker, neighbor, sports fan, and uncle.

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