
Saturday, October 08, 2011

Did Steve Jobs give good advice? | The Moral Sciences Club | Big Think

Just settle. Most of us have to.

Did Steve Jobs give good advice? | The Moral Sciences Club | Big Think:

"Now notice: doing what you love, and never settling until you find it, is a costly signal of your career prospects. Since following this advice tends to go better for really capable people, they pay a smaller price for following it. So endorsing this strategy in a way that makes you more likely to follow it is a way to signal your status."

Better advice
"Reconcile yourself to the limits of your talent and temperament and find the most satisfactory compromise between what you love to do and what you need to do feed your children" is rather less stirring, "

And from the comments:
"The advice is more traditionally given in relation to marriage. If you go into a relationship thinking that you’re settling, you’ve undermined it from the start. Of course you’re settling and making compromises – but the brain has a wonderful capacity to ignore this fact if you let it. Some people honestly believe they have the perfect partner,
And I think there’s an analogy here to be drawn with careers."

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