
Thursday, July 30, 2015

Facebook Earnings and Swap Hedges - Bloomberg View

Facebook Earnings and Swap Hedges - Bloomberg View:

 Wall Street "short-termism" is just about who should get to make decisions with capital. If you are bad at investing�capital, investors will keep you on a short leash, and ask for their capital back if you have any to spare so they can put it to better uses. If you are great�at investing�capital, sure, buy a virtual-reality headset company, build driverless cars, shoot rockets to Mars, whatever, go nuts. Long-term corporate investment and deep basic research is possible, but you have to earn it.

The fiercest debate in health care is about a $1,000 pill - Vox

UBS Deal Shows Clinton’s Complicated Ties - WSJ

Monday, July 27, 2015

Jennifer Pan's Revenge

Gilead's Greed That Kills�|�Jeffrey Sachs

Gilead's Greed That Kills�|�Jeffrey Sachs

Greece’s Ex-Finance Minister Tells All - The New Yorker

The automation myth: Robots aren't taking your jobs— and that's the problem - Vox

Flabbergasted! Quote Of The Year From Berkshire Hathaway's Charlie Munger

How bad a problem is “quarterly capitalism”?

Don’t Just Close Bases at Home, Close Them Overseas - The New York Times

Monday, July 20, 2015

The problem with evidence based policy change is we don't have evidence on the important policies - Chris Blattman

The problem with evidence based policy change is we don't have evidence on the important policies - Chris Blattman

Dr. Ed's Blog: The Productivity Puzzle (excerpt)

Dr. Ed's Blog: The Productivity Puzzle (excerpt):

“I suspect that all the productivity gains provided by Google and the like are more than offset by the ridiculous amount of time people spend on FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram etc writing about the cute thing their dog did today, or posting a picture of what they had for lunch...”

Notorious activist investor storms back to Tokyo market -

Infamous Japanese Activist Returns in Father-Daughter Team - Bloomberg Business

Sanofi confident dengue drug will benefit patients and investors -

Thursday, July 09, 2015

Glitches, Knitting and Conference-Call Jokes - Bloomberg View

Glitches, Knitting and Conference-Call Jokes - Bloomberg View:

 The lesson here is that some people are pretty good at making relative-value fixed income bets, and they become famous, and they go on TV and Twitter and write goofy investment outlooks and people look to them to explain which equity markets are overvalued, and then they end up making pronouncements about things that are way outside of their area of expertise and that they have no intention of acting on, and people go around taking those pronouncements seriously even though they are not meant particularly seriously. Of course sometimes they're right.

Why Momentum Investing Works - A Wealth of Common SenseA Wealth of Common Sense

Unless  stocks mean revert.

Why Momentum Investing Works - A Wealth of Common SenseA Wealth of Common Sense

Quietly, Congress extends a ban on CDC research on gun violence | Public Radio International

Quietly, Congress extends a ban on CDC research on gun violence | Public Radio International

Can You Really Game Index Funds? - Bloomberg View

Oh yea....

Can You Really Game Index Funds? - Bloomberg View

Don't Panic! Market Fragmentation Will Save You! - Bloomberg View

Don't Panic! Market Fragmentation Will Save You! - Bloomberg View

TheMoneyIllusion � The Chinese stock market crash

TheMoneyIllusion � The Chinese stock market crash

I.R.S. Cracks Down on Hedge Fund Tax Strategy - The New York Times

I.R.S. Cracks Down on Hedge Fund Tax Strategy - The New York Times

Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Suspended Stocks and Go-Karting Lawyers - Bloomberg View

But once you decide that a corporation is there to provide financial returns to shareholders, then of course you should pay its executives based on their ability to provide financial returns to shareholders.

Suspended Stocks and Go-Karting Lawyers - Bloomberg View